PH 7 Mind & Body Wellness
Addictive Behaviour
Addictive Behaviour
Life is very difficult. It is stressful, disappointing and confusing. When various coping mechanism fail, often we turn to quick fixes that provide a dopamine boost. Often, the very thing that we turn to for support becomes the source of our suffering. Addiction can be classified as dis-ease, obsessions, cravings, or extreme desires. However addictive behaviour presents itself, it occurs within an unbalanced, de-stabilized person.
With compassion and understanding, Peggy Yu can guide you through a 10 week program that will reveal the root cause of your addictive behaviour. Several acupuncture sessions will rebalance you and provide a stabilizing influence in your life, so that new coping mechanisms can finally be implemented...ones that work and make you feel strong and positive again.
These sessions have had proven results for dozens of sufferers:
Session 1: Assessment
In this initial session, the goal is to identify the exact nature of the addictive behaviour and the physical responses to the stimulant within the body. Goals will be set for the 10 sessions, and an Acupuncture treatment will immediately reduce the cravings. Some "homework" will be assigned so work can continue between sessions.
Session 2: Residual Cravings
In this second session, the focus will be on reviewing the results of Session 1, and dealing directly any emotions connected to satisfying and denying the craved stimulant. An Acupuncture treatment will reduce the residual desires for the stimulant which are stored deep within the nervous system. More strategies for self-regulation will be discussed and further homework will be assigned.
Session 3: Review
A full review of the changes so far will take place, including an assessment of any problems that arise due to the behavioural changes that have occurred since Session 1. An Acupuncture session will take place to cope with the changes in behaviour and lifestyle.
Session 4: Stabilization
The following 3 sessions have to do with stabilizing the physical body which is out of balance due to the profound changes occurring for you, the patient.
Session 5: Stabilization
Session 6: Stabilization
Session 7: Continued Support
At this point, you have generally made the changes needed to cease your addictive behaviour, and support is needed so that your positive habits can be reinforced through being accountable to Peggy.
Session 8: Continued Support
Session 9: Continued Support
Session 10: Relapse Prevention
When you are finished the 10 week program, you have all the tools you need to face life on your own. This can be a scary prospect, but by week 10, you will be ready to continue the good work your have accomplished. Looking back to where you were at the outset of the program is the focus of this Session, and an Acupuncture session will help to further reinforce positive body chemistry and prevent a rising up of cravings in the future.
Following the final session, an optional follow-up appointment for the reduced rate of $100 can be booked if desired.
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